Previous Prompts

Laurels #1 Submission Guidelines for members only


Finding beauty in the broken is a precept in Buddhist teachings. In imperfection, in brokenness—looking through a kintsugi lens—we can discover uniqueness, find beauty, perhaps even cherish it. Consider not only the broken, but what we think most offensive, perhaps the appearance of a particular insect we find grotesque or ugly. There’s something to admire in a cracked leaf, a crow’s missing foot, the hairy spider. Where can you find beauty in what you always thought offensive or ugly (consider all your senses, perhaps its smell)? How might you reframe a negative aspect of a person into something endearing?


Submissions (TSA members only): Please submit by January 31, 2024 using our online submission form. The form should work correctly for nearly everyone, but if it does not work for you, please try accessing it using a different device. If it still does not work correctly for you, please inquire with Richard L. Matta at