TSA Officers
Officers of the Tanka Society of America are elected usually every two years, and are honored to serve the society’s members. Please contact any of the following current officers (serving for 2023–2024 ) if you have questions or ideas. Click any officer's name to see a photo, and to read a short bio and three sample poems.
22230 NE 28th Place
Sammamish, WA 98074-6408 USA
First Vice President
Hagerstown, Maryland
Second Vice President
Arlington, Virginia
439 S Catalina Ave #306
Pasadena, CA 91106-3346 USA
(Please send inquiries and new or renewing membership payments to the secretary; you can also renew online with PayPal.)
6233 Golden West Avenue
Temple City, CA 91780-1705 USA
Ribbons Editor
Ribbons Editor
127 N. 10th St.
Allentown, PA 18102 USA
(Please send news items, essays, requests for book reviews, reader comments, and other journal and newsletter contributions to the editor. See submission guidelines.)
Web Manager
22230 NE 28th Place
Sammamish, WA 98074-6408 USA