About the Society
About the Tanka Society of America
The Tanka Society of America aims to further the writing, reading, study, and appreciation of tanka poetry in English. The society was founded by Michael Dylan Welch, and he organized its inaugural meeting in Decatur, Illinois on April 14, 2000. Most of the society’s members live in the United States, but it welcomes members from anywhere in the world.
TSA is a nonprofit volunteer organization that relies on the creativity and energy of its members to carry out its activities, which include the following:
Publication of the twice-yearly journal, Ribbons, featuring more than 200 original tanka in each issue, plus tanka prose, essays, translations, book reviews, and contest results.
Sponsorship of the annual Sanford Goldstein International Tanka Contest, judged anonymously by respected tanka poets. Results appear in Ribbons.
Publication of annual anthologies of tanka by members. Starting in 2016, copies have been included free with membership dues. Prior copies are available for a nominal fee.
Sharing and discussion of tanka poetry and tanka-related news on our Facebook page.
For more information on these and other TSA activities, please contact any officer. If you might want to volunteer to help with any activity, or have a new activity to propose, please let us know.
Membership Benefits
If you join the Tanka Society of America, you’ll receive the following benefits each year:
Two issues of our journal, Ribbons.
Eligibility to submit poems to the members-only “Tanka Hangout” in Ribbons.
Eligibility to submit poems to our twice-yearly online tanka journal, Laurels.
Eligibility to submit poems to our annual membership anthology.
Please join today!