2015 Anthology Submission Guidelines
The Tanka Society of America is pleased to announce the publication of a members’ anthology in the fall of 2015. The book will be edited by Claire Everett, a widely known tanka poet and publisher of the tanka journal Skylark. David Rice, editor of Ribbons, will do the book’s design and production. We’re very excited about this anthology, which will complete a year of events celebrating TSA’s fifteenth anniversary.
Submission Guidelines
Submit: Send five to ten unpublished tanka. TSA members who send at least five submissions will be guaranteed the selection of at least one tanka for the anthology. Socially published poems (Twitter, Facebook, author blogs) are eligible for submission as long as they are indicated as such.
Eligibility: Open to poets who are current (2015) members of the Tanka Society of America or those who join within the submission period. If you’re not a current member, please join or renew today.
Submission period: September 1–September 30, 2015.
Submissions: Email your submission to the editor, Claire Everett, at inkstonemoon@gmail.com, with subject line of “TSA Submission - Your Name.” Please include your complete name (as you would like it to appear in the anthology) and address with your submission. Automated acknowledgments of receipt will be sent to contributors. If you don’t receive one, please contact Claire Everett.
Publication: Copies will be available for purchase on Lulu.com ($10 plus postage) in the late fall of 2015.