2021 Anthology Submission Guidelines
The Tanka Society of America is pleased to welcome submissions for its next annual members’ anthology, to be published in the fall of 2021. The book will be edited by Michael H. Lester. Each TSA member will once again receive a free copy as a membership benefit (you can also purchase additional copies).
Submission Guidelines
Eligibility: Open to poets who are current (2021) members of the Tanka Society of America or those who join within the submission period. If you’re not a current member, please join or renew today.
Submit: Send at least three and up to five unpublished tanka. TSA members who send five submissions will be guaranteed the selection of one tanka for the anthology (no more than one tanka accepted per member). Socially published poems (such as Twitter, Facebook, author blogs) are eligible for submission as long as they are indicated as such.
Submission period: June 15 to July 31, 2021.
Submissions: Please submit online using the online submission form. The form should work correctly for nearly everyone, but if it does not work for you, please try accessing it using a different device. If it still does not work correctly for you, please inquire with Michael H. Lester at TSA.Anthology.2021@gmail.com (inquire please, before emailing any poems). For those who do NOT have email or Internet access, poems can be submitted (to be received by July 31, 2021) to the editor at the following address:
Michael H. Lester
1990 Westwood Blvd. #200
Los Angeles, CA 90025 USA
Response: The online submission form will display a confirmation window when you click the Submit button. In addition, you will receive a separate confirmation email, which will include a record of the poems you submitted. The editor will respond to each submission by August 31, 2021. If you do not hear a response by then, please contact Michael H. Lester to make sure he has received your submission.
Publication: Fall of 2021. One copy will be provided free to each TSA member as a membership benefit. Additional copies will be available for purchase on Amazon or from Kathabela Wilson.