Portals presents tanka poems by attendees of the Tanka Society of America’s 2013 Tanka Sunday conference, together with a dozen brief reminiscences. Organized by Margaret Chula and Michael Dylan Welch, this event took place on August 18, 2013, aboard the Queen Mary ocean liner docked in the harbor at Long Beach, California. Portals features forty-three previously unpublished tanka by twenty-five contributors, including two translations by keynote speaker Steven D. Carter. Edited by Amelia Fielden and Michael Dylan Welch.
Photography, layout, and design by Michael Dylan Welch.
Tanka Society of America, 2014, 40 pages, 6x9 inches
ISBN 978-0-616-00035-9
How to Order
To order a copy of Portals at $7 plus shipping, please visit Amazon [link to come] (conference attendees each receive one free copy).
“Tanka Sunday joins the Tanka Society of America’s Tanka Day, which took place in 2003 in New York City, as a key event in the society’s history. Quite aside from the distinctive surroundings of meeting aboard the Queen Mary cruise ship, it was a pleasure to see old friends and meet new ones. It’s a rare treat for society members to gather like this to discuss and share tanka poetry. If only we could be together like this more often.”
—Michael Dylan Welch
Introduction, page 7
Tanka, page 9
Highlights of Tanka Sunday, page 35
Contributors, page 40
The following links lead to publicity for Portals.
Boynton Blog, April 19, 2014 overview of Portals by Judy Kleinberg.
Margaret Beverland — Katikati, New Zealand
Sondra Byrnes — South Bend, Indiana
Steven D. Carter — Menlo Park, California
Terry Ann Carter — Victoria, British Columbia
Margaret Chula — Portland, Oregon
Marcyn Clements — Claremont, California
Carlos Colón — Shreveport, Louisiana
Janet Lynn Davis — Waller, Texas
Cherie Hunter Day — Cupertino, California
Susan Diridoni — Kensington, California
Amelia Fielden — Buff Point, Australia
William Hart — Montrose, California
Barbara Hay — Ponca City, Oklahoma
Marilyn Hazelton — Allentown, Pennsylvania
Carol Judkins — Carlsbad, California
Mariko Kitakubo — Tokyo, Japan
Deborah P Kolodji — Temple City, California
Janis Lukstein — Rancho Palos Verdes, California
Naia — Temecula, California
Genie Nakano — Hawthorne, California
David Rice — Berkeley, California
N. E. Taylor — Los Angeles, California
Kozue Uzawa — Burnaby, British Columbia
Michael Dylan Welch — Sammamish, Washington
Kathabela Wilson — Pasadena, California