Tanka Monday 2019 Bookfair
We’ll be having an informal bookfair at Tanka Monday 2019. If you have tanka-related books you’d like to sell, please bring them, together with a sign listing book prices, or with book prices listed on each book, plus who to purchase particular books from. Sales must be handled directly by each seller individually—we’ll have ample break times to encourage bookfair browsing. For all sales and purchases, be prepared to provide or receive cash or checks (we do not anticipate being able to take credit cards).
Please also consider making donations for our Silent Auction.
Books for Sale
If you plan to bring tanka-related books for sale, please let us know and we’ll add them here (include author, title, publisher, year of publication, and price, plus your name and email address). By listing your books here beforehand, we hope attendees will have greater anticipation and planning for buying your books.