Tanka Monday 2023 Accommodations
Our discounted room rate of $135.00 plus tax per night at the historic Netherland Plaza Hotel (located at 35 W 5th Street in Cincinnati, Ohio) is being made available to us through the Haiku North America conference, which is being held at the same location immediately before our event. For more information about accommodations, and how to book your room, please see the HNA accommodations page (follow the instructions there rather than contacting the hotel in any other way). Please don’t mention “Tanka Society of America” or “TSA,” because the discount rate is not under that name. Book your room early!
Learn more about our Tanka Monday accommodations at the Netherland Plaza Hotel website. The hotel offers a fitness center, free wifi, an onsite restaurant, and other amenities. Our Tanka Monday event, however, will be held nearby at the historic Mercantile Library.
Learn more about the Netherland Plaza Hotel history and dining, and see a photo gallery.