Tanka Monday 2023 Schedule
Tanka Monday 2023 Schedule
We’ve planned an exciting day and a half of tanka events, starting Sunday evening, not just on the Monday. We’ll have ample breaks for socializing and to purchase books at our bookfair. To join us, please register today—registration is free! Presenters include Randy Brooks, Tish Davis, Nicky Gutierrez, Marilyn Shoemaker Hazelton, Julie Bloss Kelsey, Mariko Kitakubo, Deborah P Kolodji, Lenard D. Moore, Michael Dylan Welch, and others to be announced. Monday sessions include brief generative “Write Now” tanka writing exercises, so bring a pen and notebook. If you have a tanka-related presentation, workshop, or reading to propose, please contact Michael Dylan Welch at WelchM@aol.com as soon as possible with a title, brief description, time needed, and audio-visual needs. Please also note that this is an in-person event only (no Zoom options). Tweet to #tankamonday.
All Tanka Monday events will be held at the Mercantile Library, with a reading on the Sunday night at the Netherland hotel. The preceding photo is of a 2017 Tanka Monday reading in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Sunday, July 2, 2023
Meet at the Caprice room in the Netherland hotel.
7:30 pm Check-in/Registration
8:00 pm Welcome by Michael Dylan Welch
8:05 pm Remembering Sanford Goldstein
8:15 pm Distance: Tan-ku Reading by Mariko Kitakubo and Deborah P Kolodji
8:35 pm Break
8:40 pm Round of Open Reading
9:30 pm Informal socializing at the Netherland hotel bar
Monday, July 3, 2023
Meet at the Mercantile Library.
8:30 am Check-in/Registration
9:00 am Welcome by Michael Dylan Welch
9:05 am “Common Ground” Icebreaker
9:20 am Round of Open Reading
9:40 am “Vision and Revision for Tanka Writers and Readers” presentation and workshop by Marilyn Shoemaker Hazelton
10:30 am Break
10:45 am “Songs of Tanka Prose” presentation by Tish Davis
11:45 am Group Photo
12:00 noon Lunch (on your own)
1:30 pm Write Now: “Writing a Grandparent into Focus” by Lenard D. Moore
1:45 pm “Sanford Goldstein’s Tanka World: A Diary of the Emotional Changes in a Man’s Life” presentation by Randy Brooks
2:45 pm Break
3:00 pm Write Now: “Through the Gate: Crossing Boundaries” by Nicky Gutierrez
3:15 pm Anonymous Tanka Workshop (submit poems on index cards), facilitated by Michael Dylan Welch
4:15 pm Break
4:30 pm Write Now: “What’s so Funny? Humor in Tanka” by Julie Bloss Kelsey
4:45 pm Round of Open Reading
5:00 pm Wrap up Silent Auction and Book Fair / Clean Up
6:00 pm Dinner at Netherland hotel restaurant or other nearby restaurants
8:00 pm Informal socializing at the Netherland hotel bar