Tanka Sunday 2015 Registration
For Tanka Sunday 2015, registration is FREE to everyone (members and nonmembers), although donations are welcome. Registration is free, but we ask you to please preregister by email by October 9, 2015. After this date, please email us to let us know you’re coming, and then register at the door. We want to know how many people to expect, and need to make your name tag and registration packet, so please register as early as you can.
The attendee list provided in your registration packet will include your name and city/country (not your full address). We’ll also include your email address unless, when you register, you request that it be omitted.
To Register
To register, whether you’re a member or not, please email the following information to Kathabela Wilson at poetsonsite@gmail.com by October 9, 2015 (after this date, you can still attend by registering at the door):
Name, as you want it to appear on your name badge
Address, phone number, and email address
Include email address with attendee list? YES/NO
If you’re not a TSA member, we invite you to visit our How to Join or Renew page.
If you have registration questions, please contact Kathabela at poetsonsite@gmail.com or phone 805-886-9384 (in the United States). If you have questions about the conference, please contact Michael Dylan Welch at WelchM@aol.com. See you in New York!
We recommend staying at the conference hotel for at least the Sunday night. Please book your accommodations separately through the Haiku North America conference site. Rooms at the discount rate of $119 per night are reserved until September 29, 2015. After this date, rooms may no longer be available or no longer available at the discount rate; book early to make sure rooms are still available.
Tanka Handouts
It's common at tanka meetings like Tanka Sunday to prepare a trifold or other handout showcasing your tanka to share or trade with others. We anticipate about 50 attendees , if that helps you decide how many copies to make (we will know more definite numbers closer to the event date).
Haiku North America Conference
If you are interested in attending the Haiku North America conference from October 14 to 18, 2015, immediately prior to Tanka Sunday (which will be from 1:00 to 10:00 pm, October 18), please visit Haiku North America for more information. Our gratitude to HNA for helping to make Tanka Sunday happen!