Tanka Sunday 2017 Accommodations
Our discounted room rate of $159 per night at the Hotel Santa Fe Hacienda & Spa is being made available to us through the Haiku North America conference. For more information about accommodations, and how to book your room, please see the HNA accommodations page. Discounted room rates are guaranteed until the date of our event (or until rooms run out). Please register with the group discount by mentioning “Haiku North America” or “HNA” whether registering by phone or online (these are the same numbers as for the Haiku North America conference). Please don’t mention “Tanka Society of America” or “TSA,” because the discount rate is not under that name. Book your room early!
Learn more about accommodations and meeting facilities at the Hotel Santa Fe Hacienda & Spa website. The hotel offers various courtyards and lounges, exercise and swimming facilities, a teepee and other cultural experiences, and more. Wifi, selected shuttle services, and continental breakfasts are included with room reservations.