TSA 20th Anniversary Taiga Showcase
Post date: Sep 23, 2020 11:12:10 PM
To help celebrate the Tanka Society of America’s twentieth anniversary in 2020, Susan Burch solicited and compiled “taiga” (haiga featuring tanka) to display on the society’s Facebook page. They appeared on the site from April 1 to 21, 2020. Near the end of the month, Christine L. Villa put together a video featuring the submitted taiga, and posted it on YouTube. Contributing poets in order of appearance are Julie Thorndyke, Bing Bingham, Debbie Strange, Pat Geyer, Pamela A. Babusci, John Martell, Izumi Shikibu, Ignatius Fay, Susan Burch, Xenia Tran, Pris Campbell, Alexis Rotella, Anne Benjamin, Carol Raisfield, Michael H. Lester, Christine L. Villa, an’ya, Pravat Kumar Padhy, Julie Bloss Kelsey, and Mary Ashbaugh.