Top-Five Benefits of TSA Membership
Top-Five Benefits of TSA Membership
Receive our tanka journal, Ribbons, with poems, essays, reviews, member profiles, and tanka-related news.
Be eligible to submit poems to the “Tanka Hangout” (for members only) in Ribbons.
Be eligible to submit poems to our members-only online journal, Laurels.
Be eligible to submit poems to our annual membership anthology and to receive a free copy.
Receive periodic news and reminders about society activities (our contests, anthologies, and other activities) by being on our members-only email list (be sure to check your spam filter).
You can also connect with other tanka poets in your area to share and improve your tanka, and we encourage you to participate on our active Facebook page. We also run a free tanka conference every two years (U.S. locations vary) and offer a free mentorship program for both members and nonmembers seeking to improve their tanka. Please contact us if you have any questions, and please JOIN TODAY!
Tanka Society of America publications for 2020: Issues of Ribbons and our 2020 membership anthology, Dance into the World. Publications such as these are included with annual membership.