Tanka Monday 2019
The Tanka Society of America is pleased to sponsor its fifth tanka conference, to be held on Monday, August 12, 2019 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina at the Hawthorne Inn and Conference Center. “Tanka Monday 2019” will take place immediately after the Haiku North America conference, with a variety of speakers, readers, performers, and other activities. Presenters include Randy Brooks, Susan Burch, Marcyn Del Clements, Julie Bloss Kelsey, Lori A. Minor, Kala Ramesh, Alexis Rotella, Kazue Uzawa, Michael Dylan Welch, and others to be announced. If you have a presentation, workshop, or reading to propose, please contact Michael at WelchM@aol.com. Put this event on your calendar now—don’t miss out!
Registration (FREE to everyone)
Bookfair (including books for sale)
Tanka Monday Report (written after the event; off this site)
Group photo from Tanka Monday 2019 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, August 12, 2019, by Michael Dylan Welch.
See additional facility pictures.
Tweet to #tankamonday.
Read about our 2003 Tanka Day, and our Tanka Sunday 2013, Tanka Sunday 2015, and Tanka Sunday 2017 events. See photos from Tanka Sunday 2015 and from Tanka Sunday 2017.