Tanka Sunday 2013 Schedule
We’ve planned an exciting day of tanka events, with ample breaks for socializing and to purchase books at our bookfair. To join us, please register today.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
All Tanka Sunday events will be held in the Victoria Room (without the tables shown here) aboard the Queen Mary.
1:00 pm Welcome, introductions, and round-robin reading of tanka
Margaret Chula, TSA president
Michael Dylan Welch, TSA founder
1:30 pm Tanka Writing Workshop, led by Ribbons editor, David Rice
2:15 pm Break (buy books, swap tanka handouts, write tan-renga)
2:30 pm Panel Discussion: “International Views of Tanka”
Michael Dylan Welch, chair
Steven D. Carter, Japan (NHK Tanka)
Amelia Fielden, Australia and Japan
Marilyn Hazelton, United States
Kozue Uzawa, Canada
3:30 pm Group photo, followed by a break
3:45 pm Tanka Society of America Business and Discussion: “Where Do We Go from Here?”
Margaret Chula, moderator
4:15 pm Break
4:30 pm Keynote Presentation:
“Kinoshita Choshoshi (1569–1649): Tanka Iconoclast”
Stephen D. Carter, chair of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Stanford University
5:15 pm Q&A with Stephen D. Carter
5:30 pm Break for dinner (Queen Mary restaurants)
7:00 pm Evening Reading
Featuring poets with recent tanka books, and tanka in translation
Announcement of Tanka Society of America tanka contest winners
Group readings and open readings
9:00 pm Socializing at Queen Mary lounges and restaurants
Evening readings and performances will be by Steven D. Carter, Terry Ann Carter, Margaret Chula, Amelia Fielden, Peggy Heinrich, Mariko Kitakubo, Genie Nakano, Kozue Uzawa, Michael Dylan Welch, Kathabela Wilson, and more. If you have a new book of tanka, and would like to be featured in our evening reading, please notify Margaret Chula by July 15, 2013.