Tanka Sunday 2017 Schedule
We’ve planned an exciting day of tanka events, with ample breaks for socializing and to purchase books at our bookfair. To join us, please register today—registration is free! Presenters include Maxianne Berger, Margaret Chula, Marilyn Hazelton, Carole MacRury, Claudia Coutu Radmore, Kala Ramesh, David Rice, Alexis Rotella, Kozue Uzawa, Michael Dylan Welch, Kathabela Wilson, Aya Yuhki, and others. If you have a tanka-related presentation or reading to propose, please contact Michael Dylan Welch as soon as possible with a title, brief description, time needed, and audio-visual needs.
Sunday, September 17, 2017
All Tanka Sunday events will be held in the Kiva C meeting room (shown above) at the Hotel Santa Fe Hacienda & Spa, our accommodations. The following schedule is subject to minor changes.
« = Preceded by an instant featured reader (if your name is in the hat, be prepared to stand up immediately and read one of your tanka; avoid commentary or introduction—just read the poem)
12:30 pm Check-in and walk-in registration opens
1:00 Welcome by Marilyn Shoemaker Hazelton, TSA president
1:05 Introductions and Round of Reading led by Michael Dylan Welch, TSA founder, and Kathabela Wilson, TSA secretary
1:30 « Panel Discussion: “Tanka and Haiku—What’s the Difference?”
Panelists: Maxianne Berger, Margaret Chula, Michael Dylan Welch (chair), and Kozue Uzawa
What are the differences between haiku and tanka? How do haiku and tanka carry emotion differently? Why do most people in Japan write haiku OR tanka, whereas most Western poets tend to write both?
2:15 Break (buy books, swap tanka handouts, write tan-renga)
2:30 « Presentations [15 to 20 minutes each]
Marilyn Shoemaker Hazelton: “Tanka Groups: Support, Feedback, and Encouragement”
David Rice: “Reading and Writing Individual and Responsive Tanka Sequences”
Michael Dylan Welch: “Tanka Is _________”
3:30 Group Photo , followed by a break (prepare to submit poems for the anonymous workshops)
4:00 « Anonymous Workshops (break into two or three small groups)
5:00 Break (snacks?)
5:15 Celebrating the 2017 Sanford Goldstein Tanka Contest Winners by Marilyn Shoemaker Hazelton
plus Raffle Drawing
5:30 « Featured Readings
Memorial Reading, led by Marilyn Shoemaker Hazelton [5 minutes]
“Write Now” Santa Fe writing session with Kathabela and Rick Wilson [10 minutes]
“A Sense of Place” by Margaret Chula (United States), Kala Ramesh (India), and Aya Yuhki (Japan) [20 minutes]
“T’ai Chi Tanka” performance by Kozue Uzawa [10 minutes, with audience participation]
Carol Judkins [5 minutes]
Alexis Rotella [5 minutes]
David Rice [5 minutes]
Carole MacRury [5 minutes]
“Erotic Tanka” performance by Claudia Coutu Radmore [5 minutes]
Everyone: Your “Write Now” poems about Santa Fe [5 minutes]
“Poets on Site” group reading, organized by Kathabela Wilson with flute music by Rick Wilson [15 minutes]
7:00 Break
7:05 Open Reading (sign-up not required)
7:30 « Goodbyes (resolve silent auction and book sales, plus clean-up)
8:00 Informal dinner at hotel restaurant or nearby restaurant (to be determined)
9:30 Socializing in hotel lounge or bar